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Crime Scene Investigation and Management

50 Students enrolled
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CSI and Management

Course Description:

Crime scene investigation focuses on utilizing scientific and social analysis techniques to assist law enforcement in uncovering all the information related to a crime. Crime scene investigators work at the crime scene and gather the relevant evidence for analysis in forensic laboratory.

The crime scene investigation course will spend a majority of educational learning about collection techniques, evidence handling and transportation, maintaining chain of custody and sent the evidence to its respective division of forensic laboratory. The evidences vary according to the site of crime scene therefore; a crime scene investigator must follow standard procedure in searching the evidences at the crime scene. The crime scene investigator must record the whole crime scene by sketching, video-taping and photographing. The evidences have their differential value hence they must be packaged carefully with the concerned authority seal without any contamination.

The learners will get practical exposure of indoor as well as outdoor crime scene, they also learn sketching of crime scene, photography of crime scene and evidences and collection and preservation of evidences.

Module 1: Introduction to Crime Scene Management
Definition crime, Types of crime, Definition of crime scene, Types of crime scene, Responsibilities of first responder at crime scene, Processing the Crime Scene : Protection and Isolation of the crime scene, Recording the Crime Scene (Note Taking, Photography and Video recording), Sketching of crime scene, Searching of physical evidences, Collection and Packaging of physical evidences, Labeling of Physical Evidences, Chain of custody, Forwarding Letter and Transport Certificate
Module 2: Physical Evidence
Definition of Evidence, Classification of Evidence: Testimony evidence and Physical Evidence, Common types of Physical Evidence encountered at crime scenes, Classification of physical evidence, Value of physical evidence, Significance of physical evidence
Module 3: Collection, Preservation and Handling of Physical Evidence
General guidelines and considerations of collecting physical evidences, Preservation of physical evidences, Packaging and Labeling of physical evidences, Sealing of physical evidence, Forwarding and maintaining chain of custody, importance of maintain integrity of physical evidence
Module 4: Impression Evidence
Introduction to Impression Evidence, Types of Prints, Types of Impression Evidence: Footprint, Tire Track, Toolmark, Bitemarks and Fingerprints: Introduction, Features to be analyzed, Pattern characteristics, Forensic Significance of Impression Evidences
Module 5: Collection, Preservation and Packaging of Impression Evidence
Footwear impressions: Format of impression 2D & 3D, Collection of footwear impression, Preservation of 2D & 3D footwear impressions, Toolmark impression: Documentation, Collection and Preservation, Bitemark impression: Documentation, Collection & Preservation, Fingerprint impression: Documentation, Collection & Preservation
Module 6: Crime Scene reconstruction
Definition of crime scene reconstruction, Role of crime scene reconstructionists, Importance of crime scene reconstruction, Nature of crime scene reconstruction, Basic Principles of crime scene reconstruction: Recognition, Identification, Individualization and Reconstruction, Stages of crime scene reconstruction, Classification of crime scene reconstruction
Module 7: Bloodstain pattern analysis: Crime scene reconstruction
Bloodstain pattern reconstruction, Principles of Bloodstain pattern analysis, Types of Bloodstain pattern, Collection of Bloodstain, Role of Bloodstain pattern analyst, How and where the bloodstain pattern analysis is performed?
Module 8: Investigation and Interrogation
Introduction to Investigation, Laws related to investigation, Investigation, Inquiry and trial difference, Investigative Interview, Criteria for interviewers: Empathy, Communication and Professionalism, Preparation of interview, Non-accusatory, Cognitive interview, Techniques of cognitive interview, Victim interview, Witness interview, Sexual Harassment interview, Recording of statements of witness under 164(5)CrPC, Interrogation, Process of Interrogation, REID technique of interrogation and Steps of REID technique

Student Learning Outcomes: After completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Discuss and interpret crime scene investigation and management.
  • Organize types of Physical evidences, their collection, preservation and forwarding in different labs.
  • Construct investigative techniques. Prepare expert testimony and role of expert as witness

Assessment & Evaluation

The students who enrolled as per the course selected are assessed by the allotted assignment and presentation and evaluated by conducting online examination and a viva by our forensic expert. The exam will be conducted by the concerned authority on the specific date and time. The relevant details regarding submission of assignment and presentation, duration of exam, date and time of online examination along with viva is mentioned via mail to the student.

After the successful completion of course along with online assessment, the mark sheets and certificate is generated and sent to the postal address of the student as mentioned in their application form and uploaded documents.